Shenzhen: Chinese Western City.

By Aminul Hassan.


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Travellers Tip


Hong Kong Internatinal Airport serve for Shenzhen.
New big airport, faster express train, multimillion dollar project is now focus of international  attraction.


Shenzhen is commercial city. All big companies, foreign and local has an office there,

Hong Kong, Shenzhen, Both are protected city for a chinese citizen.

Strange Na?.


Window the World.
offfer lot of surprizes.Effel tower, winter Palace, Leaning Tower of Pisa, Taj Mahal, and Live Niagra fallls, etc.

      ‘To china, for Training`? A friendly Hong Kong Custom officer at Hong Kong airport expressed his amazement. ‘Yes for Telecom switching Equipment’ I answered. He nodded his head showing his doubt. "They make telephone exchange? strange ! He added. But if somebody stepped in to Shenzhen City he will certainly change his attitude toward China.

‘To china, for Training`? A friendly Hong Kong Custom officer at Hong Kong airport expressed his amazement. ‘Yes for Telecom switching Equipment’ I answered. He nodded his head showing his doubt. "They make telephone exchange? strange ! He added. But if somebody stepped in to Shenzhen City he will certainly change his attitude toward China.

The landport has the entire superstructure of an immigration port, offices, polices, immigration counters, shops, a big parking lot etc., that will make you feel you are entering a different country.

‘No. No. You need to carry your passport to go out of Shenzhen. You will require it when you will come back from Canton (we were going to canton), Shenzhen is special city` said annoyed Miss Do when she came to know that not everybody of us not carrying a passport. So Miss Do asked our driver to make a 'u' turn back to our dormitory, from where we started. It cost us 1-hour delay to start for Canton.

I generally carry my passport when I go out side of the host city of any country to prove my identity. But this time I left my passport in dormitory because there is somebody to prove my identity. Most of all we have a vehicle that has a mark of it’s identity "Zhonshing Telecom ``, our host company.

Although Shenzhen is competing with Hong Kong in number of Skyscrapers, It is a mainland city, Nobody speak English as in Hong Kong. The city is too young have a personality. It is only a planned city or you can call it a "show-case city'.

Shenzhen is located just an hour ride by MRT ( subway) from Hong Kong and 2 hour ride from Gaunzho and located just outside of Hong Kong Boundary. Depending on my newly purchased city map one day I said to my colleague ‘You want to go to Hong Kong, look that way" I pointed outside our bus window, "There lies Hong Kong, after this fences, and that observatory post on the hill shows the presence of border security force". They look at the bare bushy hillside and asked our guide whether I am right. She said that "yes. it is Hong Kong".

They said that "you require 2 hour to go to Canton (Ganzhou)'. But my map says that" if Hong Kong is one our ride, it must be 4/5 hour. "But when we reached the end of city we found we are near a big toll station to ride a superhigh way. Three lane plus three lane


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Shenzhen, Only 20miles North from Hong Kong. 1 hr journey by MRT (subway)

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Shenzhen at Night: Bright lights, laser beam
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Hong Kong airport, serves as international outlet for Shenzhen.

You will not see a lot of foreigner here, because Shenzhen is not a typical Chinese city.’ Our guide Miss Donyanii said. "Tourist prefer Beijing, Shanghai or Xian for visit a chinese city`` She added. Miss Donyanii is a nice person. Straight, has sense of humor and wears nice outfit with proper sunglasses. ‘But I think this new show piece city has lot to show. Chinese village museum or Sea world, the Amusement Park, Cultural village etc.But I think ‘Window of the World` is unique. My senior collegue asked our Guide `It is so beautiful, why don’t you advertise it outside China` as she were supreme Chinese authority. I added "at least, at Hong Kong airport you must have some free brochure about it". "Window of the World`` has replica of almost every renowned wonders of the world, It ranges from " Taj Mahal of Agra to Manhattan of NY (from Central Park to World Trade Center, all the skyscrapers),Winter palace of St. Petersburgh to Grand Canyon of Colorado, USA. Leaning Tower of Pisa to live Niagara falls, St. Mark Square with its Campanile and Dodges Palace, Sidney Opera House, even the whole island of Mt. St. Michel of France. Replicas varies in size, some time only one third as in case of Pyramid of Louvre or one fourth in case of Eiffel Tower. It has even a lift inside ride to the top. My friend said it must be half in size. But I wonder one thing how the payment is made. Once I copied a big masterpiece of Rembrandt with its original size (Night Watch, 12 ft* 15ft) and it was very hard for me to convince authority to take the painting inside Museum. (a few personal piture will be added in future).


 Traveller`s Tip: in China English is not much useful. Clothing, Bags and
Travellers Suitcase are cheap, Lot of Bergains. Walmart market is for reasonable
fixed price commodities.
Go to "Womans World" for cheap goods, Dont forget to bargain. Shenzhen is protected city
even a chinese require special pass to enter Shezhen and of course
to Hong Kong . New Airport of Hong Kong is an exhilarating experiance, Ride
Express train to city (Victoria) (recommanded). Fare is 60 HK$.
By Bus around 33 HK$. Star ferry and Peak Tower is a must.

Our Team: Giasuddin (Dir.)the Boss, Alam Bhai the wise, Zia Bhai the Traveller
(visited Beijing), Iduzzaman the Pictureman, Kamal Bhai and Samad Bhai from
Ministry, Mossarraf.